Monday, March 21, 2011

I've moved to a New Blog

I have a new blog that shares my musings on religion, parenthood, and life. Check it out!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

XXX Porn Debate

I was surfing the net and found out that XXX Church's Founder Craig Gross is going on a debate tour with Porn Star Ron Jeremy. Looks like they are going to be in Indianapolis Wed. August 8th @8pm The tix are $10. Anybody want to go? Let me know! Love ya

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Exsurge Domine

I know that there are those who I call friends that may take offense to this blog. I am sorry, because that was not my intention, nor will it ever be. I love you, just as Jesus did. But as much as we water down his truth, Jesus’ message was subversive, it was offensive.

No matter what side of the religious fence you find yourself on, I pray that if you find yourself upset; that you would take this as God's loving Spirit calling your name to know him, his love, and his acceptance, maybe for the first time, maybe for the hundredth. In order for this to happen he has to get rid your junk, your sin or anything that is going to keep you from him. If you become offended, Jesus would have had dinner with you and talked it over. And if I can, I will too.
So with that said I only make one apology. If you have ever sought the church and been turned away or met a "Christian" (and I use this term lightly) and been told you are not good enough, faithful enough, holy enough... If in their attempt to “evangelize” they botched being Jesus to you... If they were quick to judge and failed to love, I am so… sorry.

I pray that God's grace would find you wherever you are, that you would meet true followers of Christ who show you what life is all about. And that through that you would hear His gentle whisper ask you the same question that He asked the prophet Elijah so long ago,

"Why are you here?"

And when you hear his voice, may you have the courage to talk back.

Exsurge Domine
Exsurge Domine, the title of this blog, is Latin for "Arise O Lord." I find more and more I need grace, not to be selfish, but probably more than you. I need a living God to save me, not a religious anchor to drown me. Rules and regulations are crippling, my God's grace is freeing.

So... Arise O God; speak to our sleeping generation, who is dreaming to belong, searching for more, and longing to die for something worth dying for.

We long for You to simply call us, "YOURS"

Crimes not Signs
When the world fails to live up to what many Christian's expect, it seems that their gut reaction is to act out. Sadly, many times this is a violent reaction. This is not a new thing, however. In fact it’s been happening for years, centuries, even millenniums.

Take the some of the Jewish leaders in the first century for example. They were trying to create a holy country. The problem however, was not their intentions but their methods. Their spiritual quarantine was depriving the people of the very thing that would make them holy, Jesus. Their attempt in obtaining a spiritual monopoly led to many deaths, not only theirs but an innocent man as well. So we shouldn't be surprised (though I always am) when these same type of Monopolizers today, do things that glaringly contradict scripture, it's nothing new.

I cannot see how they justify hate with scripture. Such examples of this: homosexual and soldier funerary protests, abortion clinic bombings and hate websites toward homosexuals or any other minority. One such website proudly displayed in its "Learn More" section... Please excuse my commentary denoted by ( ), I couldn't resist. "We display large, colorful signs (probably not rainbow colors though) containing Bible words and sentiments (this should be good), including: GOD HATES FAGS (That’s in the Bible?), FAGS HATE GOD (Just because I sin doesn’t mean I hate God), AIDS CURES FAGS (Is their research to prove this?), THANK GOD FOR AIDS (…and Pepsi!? This is the dumbest this I have ever read, cause obviously only homosexuals get aids.), FAGS BURN IN HELL (so do ALL sinners!), GOD IS NOT MOCKED (Finally something we agree on), FAGS ARE NATURE FREAKS (I'm sure I am taking this wrong but didn't God create nature, therefore, are you saying homosexuals are closer to God and than you?), GOD GAVE FAGS UP (for adoption, to the authorities? Can we get some clarification here?), NO SPECIAL LAWS FOR FAGS (So how would you feel if we took away your church's tax exempt status?), FAGS DOOM NATIONS (So does all sin, Thank God for Jesus) THANK GOD FOR DEAD SOLDIERS (Yes thank you that Men and Women who gave up their lives to protect the rights of idiots who say and write stupid things like these protest signs), FAG TROOPS (what does that even mean? This sign could be used to support the opposition too), GOD BLEW UP THE TROOPS (ALL OF THEM? missed that in the news), GOD HATES AMERICA (Yet you continue to live here), AMERICA IS DOOMED (Everyone run!), THE WORLD IS DOOMED (apparently everyone is... except the people who support these sayings), etc."

The list goes on and on, though I respect their sincerity, I hate their method. We should all be so passionate about something, but not at the sack of others.

Many things are done with great sincerity, but many sincere things are stupid.

I don't condone sin of any form (even my own, which I believe in God's eyes is all the same, which is exactly why we all need Jesus. No matter what the sin is.), I certainly do not condone hateful acts of any kind. Yes... I believe that Homosexuality is wrong and abortion is murder, but so is lust and heterosexual infidelity. But just as with any sin, this type of hateful behavior CANNOT be tolerated. Something must be done about sin in general. Attacking homosexual marriage or abortion clinics will never get to the root of the problem.

That root is an ineffective, uneducated, and naive church.

If this is being paraded around as Christian thought, it becomes painfully obvious why people don't want to be Christians. I wouldn’t either after reading their mantra. So let me be so bold as to say that I believe that this is not the God of Abraham, the very God that humbled himself and became man. I DO NOT serve their hateful God. My God taught that I should love Him with all my heart and love my neighbor as myself. In fact Paul’s main focus in his writings was primarily on loving your neighbor. Because it is assumed that if we know how to love our neighbors then we know how to love God and when we know how to love God then we can not help but love our neighbors.

Walk like an Egyptian
In the 1986; The Bangles topped the chart with their song "Walk like an Egyptian" to which it had everyone doing a ridiculous dance. To this day when someone says those words people’s thoughts go right to the dance, some might even do it.
Isn't it interesting however that “Walk like an Egyptian” was written in 1986, Jesus however walked the Earth some 2,000 years ago, this is much longer tract record but many people couldn't tell you what Christians do, they can only say what Christians don't do. Christians have become the people who "don't."

I believe that Jesus intended us to be the people who "do"

The call of Jesus is not "sit and listen." He led by example not by condemnation. One only has to look to the Gospel of Mark to see that when Jesus wanted his followers to learn compassion for people just like them, He fed the 5,000. When He wanted to teach them compassion for those who were nothing like them He fed the 4,000. His actions were out of love and compassion, not threats and fear. His driving force was love and all that he did was filtered through this view that if I love my neighbor I am loving God. Jesus refused to use fear to control people, even when they threatened his very life.

When the people struck out,

Jesus reached out.

He loved those who needed love, touched those who society called unclean and ate and drank with those who were detestable. Put quite simply, Jesus cared. Shouldn't people who profess to be His followers do the same? How many people have been turned away from seeking God because they were told that they do not have all of their sin "taken care of?" Jesus did not seem to care what a state a person was in when he met them, he only cared that after they met, that the person was radically changed. This gives way to Paul’s New Creation, Covenant theology. But that topic is outside the scope of this blog.

A Child Named Purpose
It enrages me to see so called Christians condemn people before God's judgment has even occurred. The gift of God righteousness is offered to all and happens, according to Paul, simultaneously upon belief. We would be foolish to limit who can and can not apply for Righteousness.

Paul wrote, "But now a righteousness from God...has been made known...This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference, For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus."

The only prerequisites you must have in order to come to Jesus are 1) you must have sinned; 2) you must have faith in Jesus Christ. Nothing says that you must have everything figured out before you come to Jesus. In fact I'm guessing that Jesus actually prefers it this way. He will use me however he needs me. He specializes in giving order to disorder, function to the dysfunctional and purpose to those who have none. It is when we find our purpose in Christ that we see that His call to follow him is not a stagnate suggestion.

It was a call to purpose.

Bolts, Nuts, and Screw-ups
But we must be careful that when we find that we have been justified out of God's sheer generosity, that we do not forget how we act toward others. Shane Claiborne writes, "Many spiritual seekers have not been able to hear the words of Christians because the lives of Christians have been making so much horrible noise. It can be hard to hear the gentle whisper of the Spirit amid the noise of Christendom." So if you claim to be a Christian and can't go shopping without yelling (or in Rob Bell's case, people giving the "bird" in the church parking lot) please STOP CALLING YOURSELF A CHRISTIAN.

"You'll screw it up for the rest of us."

I want to love more deeply and live more passionately.

If God and his followers won't do this then who will? I just want to follow Jesus, the dreamer, the winner, the fighter. And if something stops that from happening, then that obstacle must go. When we love like Jesus did, we will find ourselves serving the despised, hugging the immoral, and even eating with the outcasts.

Social distinctions become invisible.

We are no longer defined by our 9-5 jobs or what we wear or even where we eat.

Suddenly we find that being a Christian is not as simple as how we feel about abortion or even gay marriage. Being a follower of Jesus transcends being a Republican or a Democrat. When uninhibited love occurs, surveys, trends, polls, and the media cannot predict what will happen next. This is the Kingdom of God responding to our actions, the dream of God becoming reality, the good news being fleshed out. This is the Spirit in action. When this happens….

Life becomes all about love and love becomes a way of life.

Monday, February 19, 2007

A Certain Place

Its been awhile since my last post.

I'm entrenched in school and work.

And my computer crashed last week.

Four jobs and eighteen hours at school.

Life is complicated...

But Life is beautiful.

I'm quiting Berean.

Pseudo-Christians customers Suck!

The "Holier than thou" attitude just wasn't working for me

I will miss the people I worked with.

But somehow Jesus still intrigues me.

Trying to be a light among flashlights with no batteries can be...


I have learned, however

That God is more patient than I will ever be.

More generous than I know how to be.

More faithful than anyone I have ever known

More loving than I thought

More mysterious than I imagined

And more caring than I give Him credit.

He is amazing.....

My heart is constantly heavy though.

Surrounded by earthquakes, tornadoes, and fire

I am afraid I will miss his voice.

He always seems to speak in the whispers

I don't want to miss that.

I long for His whispers

I hope that I am not the same after He speaks to me

I want to be romanced by his touch

I want to be led by my Shepherd

I want to hear his voice

I want to rest in his presence

I long to be satisfied by him

Finding security in his arms

I am captivated by His plans for my life.

And I know that He will prove Himself faithful.

Despite my own failures and impatience.

I will always lift my heart and my hands.

Ever praising who He is morphing me into.

Spring is on its way.

I can almost smell it

I love new life

And second chances.

New birth.

And Rebirth....

I hope you love more deeply this year

Trust in Him more openly

And risk more to gain more....

I love the quote supposedly said by Sir James Douglas


Around His neck he carried the embalmed heart of Robert the Bruce

His King

Douglas found himself surrounded in battle

Death was certain and near

He flung the heart onto the battlefield, yelling

"Fight for the Heart of your king!"

Another historian quotes him as saying

"Forward, brave heart, as ever thou were wont to do

And Douglas will Follow his king's heart

Or die!"

May you be fully His and let nothing stand in the way of that

I pray you give up all to fight for the heart of your King

And that in that fight you would hope for the things

Which you cannot see....

Take comfort in his Heart

His blood is making everything new!

Even for worn out fighters like me

"Never give a sword to a man that can't dance"

Learn how to dance...

Don't worry

He'll lead.

I love all of you!

Friday, January 05, 2007

New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve at the Underground was awesome this year. It was probably one of the best New Year's Eves I've ever had. Loads of fun and friends. I have posted the pics from the night. You can click on the Underground set link on the right hand side of the screen to view more pics and smaller thumbnails, just scroll down a bit. They didn't all turn out how I'd wished they would've but oh well, Enjoy.

Friday, December 15, 2006

New Job

For those of you who aren't already aware, I got a job. I am now a "sales associate" at Berean Christian Store. So yeah, that's fun! I'm not afraid to work and I could use the extra $$. I had my first day today and it went well. No big hang ups. I even saw some people that I hadn't seen in awhile too. Its not especially hard or even stressful, just long periods of standing. My knees and feet hurt, which I expected. I may explain this stupid reason in later post. :)

Thursday, November 23, 2006

God vs. Science

I actually read the TIME article (Nov. 13th Vol. 168 No. 20) this past week, while I was out of town. The full article can be found here. As well as here, on David's blog, where he provides some thoughtful comments, that far outweigh mine. But this is my response to the article.

Thanks to TIME Magazine for once again, in their semi-annual “Nod to God,” acknowledging that there are more things to discuss than politics and war (though a brief look inside the actual magazine proves that the cover is merely ploy to sell more magazines). Though, I am afraid that TIME cannot escape their presuppositions in order to write anything of value. To which I say, “If you want to change the world and influence thought, become a humanitarian, not a Journalist.” It seems that we usually have this backwards.

David I agree with you when you say, “TIME is largely at fault for the mediocre quality of this debate.” The questions were designed to sell magazines and not to stimulate the mind, which causes both Dawkins and Collins to appear less like scholars and more like radicals for a cause. Both men are obviously well educated, but it is apparent that Collins is a Scientist and not a debater (but I will say that I do agree with him on his stance, though). Dawkins on the other hand seems caught in his own verbosity and rudeness. Hiding behind his PhD, English accent, and Oxford Professorship, he misleads the masses with his fancy rhetoric. America has always been fascinated with this combination; even evangelicals have been known to succumb to this formula, i.e. C.S. Lewis and N.T. Wright. Though if either Lewis or Wright have hidden behind this combination, I am unaware of it. But, I have more to say about uneducated, angry Christians (c.f. The Kooks ), as well as Dawkins and other Atheists arrogance than I do about the evangelical positions, I will keep my comments limited on the first and expound on the second.

Dawkins obviously has a “god complex” since apparently any “god” besides intellectualism is ignorance (This is where hiding behind the PhD comes in handy. Whatever floats your boat, you want to be god, go right ahead. Let’s just be certain that YWHW didn’t create the water that keeps us afloat, first). I find it funny to imagine myself so intelligently advanced that I can be convinced out of anything that cannot be proven with logic. . (Though, just because I can’t imagine it doesn’t mean someone else won’t try.) Many claim that Martin Heidegger was a great philosopher, yet you can not prove his theory of Being. He not only had a “god complex” he had a “Christ complex” too, eventually seeing himself as the essence of Being. (Though, I will concede that Dawkins is a better writer than Heidegger ever was). It seems that Atheism is a far riskier position to take, opposed to agnosticism. At least with agnosticism, you cannot be proven right or wrong.

It is interesting that Dawkins claims that humanities’ do-gooding is based on primitive groups of ancient man. Since there was “do-gooding” back then, there must have been “do-eviling” as well. Logically the ability to recognize that which is good must flow from the ability to recognize that which is not. This proves that there was an ability to discern moral right and wrong from very early on. This view however treats doing “good” almost as a flaw; we simply do it because our primitive ancestors did it. But this explanation, if true fails to explain where the ability to discern good and evil came from at such an early stage in the evolutionary process. It seems that morality has been intertwined with man from the beginning.

This moral framework continues to mock the work of Dawkins. Though atheist, Kai Neilson once said, “We have not been able to show the reason that reason requires the moral point of view.” Bertrand Russell said too, “I cannot live as if ethical values were simply a matter of personal taste.” Obviously the roots of moral right and wrong can not be accounted for by the intellectuals of our day. Dawkins further talks in circles in an interview with Penn Jillette, of Penn and Teller fame. *WARNING* DO NOT watch/listen if you are easily offended or frustrated, I am NOT kidding!

In Dawkins argument the only thing that makes humans better than animals is the ability to reason. With the ability to reason comes, according to Dawkins a “moral responsibility.” But reason does not lead us to morality, as Dawkins’ colleagues have suggested. I find it funny that he uses an ethic here without any rational basis for it, i.e. “moral responsibility”. Where does this, “responsibility simply because we can reason”, come from? Do you feel encouraged simply because you can reason!? I know I don’t! His naturalistic viewpoint is disheartening and ill-conceived. Dawkins chalks man up into nothing more than random time, matter and chance. When we go so far as to deny the value in man, even the ability to reason becomes meaningless in light of Dawkins argument.

Dawkins belief in Naturalism completely denies any person’s intrinsic value. Without this value we are nothing more than muscle and tissue with the ability to reason. If this is how Dawkins finds worth, then I feel sorry for him. He is obviously a very troubled man and has made it his life’s goal to mock others and claim his “divine” superiority through knowledge and meaningless reason.